Our Birthday - Joyful Beginnings

Our Birthday

Our Birthday

Today my daughter is seven years old.  It’s her birthday, but it’s also an anniversary for my husband and me.  It’s the anniversary of when we first became parents.

I look at this picture and remember the night of her birth so clearly, but not really.  It’s hard to reconcile the image of this beautiful and funny little girl in front of me now with the squishy red newborn in this picture.

These birthdays remind me more and more to cherish the days with my children as they are; even the frustrating, exhausting and messy ones.

Becoming a parent was the most dazzlingly sweet and humbling experience of my life.  I look forward to more birthdays and will keep up the struggle of remembering the ones that have passed.

Some advice I can offer if your memory is impaired as mine is, is to remember somehow.  Journaling, photos, videos, blogging, whatever works for you to help you trigger the moments passed.  Someday you will thank yourself for it.

I love you, Ava!  Happy birthday.  Thank you for being my daughter.

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Joyful Beginnings

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